Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ninja Status

Strange sounds echoed coming through the living room as I listened from a distance. It was noises like this that made my mind torture itself with frightening thoughts. Different situations ran through my mind and caused me to fear the worse possible things that could happen if I were to go downstairs and get a drink of water.

I laid awake in bed just dying for something to drink but I was too scared to go down because it felt as if I were being watched. It's strange because on some lonely nights I can go down with ease and accomplish anything without paying close attention to my surroundings. If you have never felt that feeling of being afraid of the dark, then you're probably a buff person or just really cool. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty scared.

Luckily I was smart enough to swiftly maneuver myself to every light switch. I call these swift moves "Ninja Status". Now that every light switch was on, pouring that glass of ice cold water was easy and refreshing. Now all I had to do was go "Ninja Status" once more and turn off all the lights. It's times like this where I laugh at myself for being so childish, but what can I say? Scary moments turn into fun times.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you started off describing the setting as something frightening, when at the end all of your thoughts were spawning off of the simple gesture of getting water downstairs. It provided for humor, as well as an opening for readers to relate throughout the whole piece.

    Overall, I really enjoyed the tone change from being dark to something lighthearted that everyone can relate to. :DD


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