So like I said before, the court talk was a little confusing but I was able to get the jiff of it all. When Atticus was doing the questioning against Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell and Heck Tate, I was confused as to why he was asking about the doctor to check the right cheek of Mayella. He kept asking the question over and over again that I was saying to myself, "What does this have to do with anything?" but I decided not to question Atticus since he is awesome like that. When he brought up Tom's problem I understood EVERYTHING that he said up until that point and I felt very unintelligent. I really loved how Jem was really into the trial and I began to think if Jem wanted to be like his father but then thought 'nah!'. Scout was still too little to understand what was going on, according to Jem, and I agreed to that but Jem could have been less mean to her.
Now I must ask: DID ANYONE ELSE SCREAM AT THE EMPTY ROOM WHEN THEY READ TOM'S VERDICT?? (Or at least scream in their head?) I was so angry at the jury! After hearing all the stories and showing all the obvious evidence all that conquered was the power of racism! CRAZY! I was honestly hoping for him to be free since Atticus is an awesome lawyer and all that but I guess Mrs. Lee needed to be realistic since it was the 50's afterall. But what knocked the wind out of me was the sudden death of Tom in jail. Atticus DID say that they had a chance didn't he? I wondered what was going through Tom's head when he was running towards the fence.
'I'll never make it out.'
'Atticus was wrong.'
'It's because I'm black.' I was just guessing but he did lose hope. If only he held on to that small hope... It was very sad.
I LOVED THE ENDING! Especially finally seeing 'Boo' Radley (Arthur). He striked me as such an adorable character. Through the whole story I pictured a more scary man that was described just how the children described him and how the rumors claimed him to look like but it was a complete contrast that was a joy to read. All he wanted was a friend and it just so happened that the friends he was trying to make wanted to be he friend as well, especially Scout. The relationship between Scout and Arthur felt as if they were friends fom the very beginning; as if they have known each other for such a long time and technically they did. I bet Jem would have been scared till he peed his pants but he is a big boy now. GOOD JOB HARPER LEE! Even though the beginning was a slow read the rest was the best. I only wished the ending was that simple but it still had much meaning.
I wish I was given gifts through a tree.
Hello Jazz Jewel :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, your blog is very comical. It made me laugh. :)
When Atticus kept asking Mr. Ewell and Mr. Heck Tate, if they called for a doctor for Mayella when she was raped, he was actually trying to make a statement. To me, Atticus was trying to put out there that Mr. Ewell obviously didn't care about Mayella's physical state. He just wanted to get Tom Robinson. Another thing he could have wanted to put out there was that Mr. Ewell is very poor and he can't afford a doctor. But I'm sure everyone in Maycomb knows that since everyone gossips.
I couldn't agree more about the ending :) it's cute how 'Boo' was so scary to the kids, now he's a friend!
Did Tom Robinson lose hope, or was the story concocted to put an end to the whole mess? Keep in mind, the town already tried to hang Tom once, something to think about.